This Lil' Dog of Mine

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What's Your Pet's Love Language?

Let’s be honest, one of the significant benefits of bringing a furry companion into your home is the endless cuddles and companionship! Sharing moments of affection with your pet can be therapeutic for us humans, but do your pets enjoy your hugs as much as you do? Take note; there is a difference between hugs and cuddles. While your pet may not want a hug, most of them enjoy cuddles. It is also essential to keep in mind that dogs and cats show affection differently.

 Here are some ways to determine if your dog enjoys/wants to cuddle:

·  Yawning- this is a sign that your pet is feeling relaxed

·  Wagging the tail(to the right)  - this shows that your dog is happy

·  They stare at you for a long time – dogs say, “I love you with their eyes,” according to the Science journal- staring into your dog’s eyes increases the levels of the “love hormone,” aka Oxytocin.

Just as they express when they are enjoying the cuddles, here are some ways to determine if your dog is not in the mood:

·  Not making eye contact

·  Leaning away from you

·  Wagging the tail (to the left) – This is a sign of anxiety

Remember that if your dog does not enjoy cuddle time, it just may mean that they receive affection in a different way, such as snack time or playtime.

 Cats are a bit different, but contrary to popular belief, some also enjoy a good snuggle from their human.

These are a few ways to tell when they are enjoying love and affection:

·  They fall asleep in your lap- because cats are natural hunters, this action shows that you have made them feel comfortable and safe enough to be vulnerable.

·  Putting their tail in your face – yuck, right? When cats sniff each other’s butts, it’s because they are getting to know each other. So, when they are doing it to you, as gross as it seems, it means they are getting comfortable with you.

Just as they will show you that they want to enjoy all the touchy-feely, cats will just as quickly distance themselves if they don’t wish to be bothered.  Cats tend to do things like:

  • Staring  at the wall 

  • Hiding or Crouching

  • Flicking their tail 

  • Turning their ears back 

Different animals have different preferences on how they want to show and receive affection . Not all are alike. Some enjoy as much close contact as they can get, and some may be a bit more standoffish. Know that your pet is a part of the family and that regardless of how they like to express it, they love you.