All This Dog Hair!

Anyone else out there constantly looking for tricks to win the constant struggle with dog hair everywhere? While we love our fur babies, I’m sure it’s safe to say that we don’t love taking their hair with us after we’ve sat on the couch.  Let’s chat about some tips to help reduce the shedding. 

  • Brush your dog daily – this is the best way to reduce shedding. Not only that, it helps your dog’s coat stay smooth and cleaner. 

  • Feed them the right dog foods – We are what we eat, and the condition of your dog’s hair is a reflection of what they are eating. Click on this link for a list of high-quality dog foods. You can also visit your local pet store for assistance. 

  • Give them a fatty acid supplement – It helps keep your dog’s coat healthy.

  • Allergy and flea control – Talk to your vet. Your dog could be suffering from one of these, which also contributes to access shedding 

During the summer, it is also helpful to bathe your dog regularly. Investing in seat covers and hair removal tools is also beneficial in keeping your home clean.  Having a quality vacuum, lint roller, grooming brush, or even grooming gloves comes in handy. 

Taking your pet to a groomer on the regular also helps. We understand that your schedules get busy, which is where our pet taxi service is available. It would be our pleasure to transport your pup to the groomer for some coat TLC. 

Some breeds tend to shed more than others, but shedding is inevitable for the most part. Having the right tools and knowing what contributes to shedding to take preventative measures will save you from showing up to a black-tie event in a “Cousin It” costume for sure!

Tina Clark