Dos & Don'ts in the World of Exotic Pets

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Did any of you watch the Netflix docuseries Tiger King and wonder what it would take to have an exotic animal for a pet or what constitutes an exotic? Exotic pets are rare to keep as pets, or animals thought of as wild species. Examples are ferrets, guinea pigs, hedgehogs, snakes, tortoises, exotic birds, monkeys, and big cats.

 The fabulous world of renowned stylist Jonathan Wright makes having an exotic look easy and fun. Many guidelines have to be followed to obtain that level of ease and fun.  You must research your exotic of choice before moving one into your home. For starters, find out where your local exotic vets are. Not all animal doctors treat them. Another imperative course of action is to research laws for your type of pet. In the state of Texas, animals that are considered dangerous require you to obtain a license to house.  Examples of these would be bears, chimps, lions, and tigers. You can quickly look up license requirements by state online. If Joe Exotic didn’t teach us anything else, it’s that there are legal precautions in the world of exotic pets.  

We think it’s pretty safe to say most of you are not considering moving a tiger into your home. Let’s take a look at what housing an exotic pet would look like on a smaller scale. A key to creating a suitable enrichment space would be to cultivate one that mirrors their natural habitat. Make sure they have plenty of room. Also, know what their dietary requirements are. Remember that some animals are known to carry diseases transmitted to humans, such as Bird Flu, Salmonella, and Tuberculosis. Even when handling smaller pets, like guineas pigs, it’s always recommended to wash your hands afterward. Be sure that you adopt from a reputable agency, and be sure that you do so if they don’t screen their animals for diseases. Some other things to look for in that agency are to be sure they follow proper breeding protocols and make sure you know their practices for obtaining the animals. Monthly expenses for an exotic can be up to $500, not including the unexpected.

 New pets, no matter the species, can be an exciting adventure, especially when you prepare. We’d also like to add that in no way are we advocating for buying exotics, our goal here is to prepare you for whatever pet you’re bringing into your loving abode. The presence of an animal can be an excellent enhancement to the atmosphere of your home. Whether you are picking up a new hamster or stepping out of the box with a baby monkey, make sure you’re ready, and then enjoy the ride!

Tina Clark